The East Midlands Area Team at Natural England has a budget to spend which enables local organisations or individuals to get a project off the ground to support nature’s recovery. The project could lead to a bigger project with funding from elsewhere, gather new scientific understanding through research, or help to fund areas of work that normally struggle to access grants elsewhere. If your idea could help deliver at least one of our objectives below, please contact Noor Khan, Health & Environment Lead Adviser – East Midlands Area Team at Natural England on and she will provide an application form:
1. Enhance existing wildlife-rich places
2. Create and restore wildlife-rich habitats, corridors/stepping stones for native species
3. Improve the landscape’s resilience to climate change
4. Provide natural solutions to reduce carbon and flood risk and sustain improved soil, clean water and clean air
5. Reinforce the natural and cultural diversity of our landscapes, and protect our historic natural environment
6. Enable us to enjoy and connect with nature where we live, work and play – benefitting our health and wellbeing
Up to £10,000 can be requested (higher amounts may be available under exceptional circumstances).
Projects must be ready to deliver, and all work must be completed by mid-March 2024. Deadline for applications is 10am on Monday 24th April 2023.