Our impact


Lincolnshire’s Volunteer Centres are nationally accredited through the Volunteer Centre Quality Award (VCQA).

The Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation (VCQA) measures a Volunteer Centre’s ability to deliver its services to a high standard and create a local environment in which volunteering can flourish.

The standard recognises Volunteer Centre’s achievements in matching people who want to volunteer with organisations who can use their help and advice, promoting volunteering, and helping local charities and other organisations to involve volunteers in their work.

What people say about our Volunteer Centres

“The volunteer centre was very helpful. I’m an activities co-ordinator and the service users I look after now do volunteering work at the local Home. After their day centre services closed last year the volunteer centre staff helped us to find volunteering opportunities for our service users. Brilliant.”

“Volunteering has boosted my confidence immensely. I wish I had volunteered a lot earlier in my life.”

“I am doing 8-10 hours per week. This is really helping me get back into a working environment after being on sick for almost four years. Really enjoying helping out and supporting customers.”

“I needed to get my motivation back and stay connected to the outside world.”

“I wish I could spend the rest of my life doing voluntary work. It gives you so much satisfaction and you’re so appreciated. It’s something to cherish. Anybody I speak to I recommend getting into volunteering – it’s such a pick me up and you’re doing something really worthwhile. It’s one of the best moves I’ve ever made.”

“Volunteering allowed me to be creative again. I feel that I now have something to do and I have a passion for something again.

“My long term goal is to find paid employment and until I am ready for that, this allows me to contribute something and do something productive with my time.”

“Without the professional guidance of LCVS, their dedicated time and care, it is highly unlikely we would have achieved these grants.”

Get Involved

• Our Volunteer Centres rely heavily on grant funding and donations. Find out how you can support our work here.
• Have we helped you? Share your story on our Facebook group.

Our impact