West Lindsey District Council have launched their new Community Grants Programme. This new programme includes a range of different funds to support a wide variety of community services and projects. The grant programme has been made possible thanks to funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and match funding from West Lindsey District Council.

Their grant funds can accept applications from Parish/Town Councils, Parish Meetings, community groups, charities, social enterprises and more.

Summary of the funds available:

Councillor Initiative Fund

Small grants for community activities and projects up to £1,000. This fund is currently closed prior to the upcoming local elections but it will re-open in late May 2023.

Community Action Fund

Revenue grants for community activities and projects between £1,000 and £20,000.

Community Facilities Fund

Capital grants for community facilities and assets between £1,000 and £50,000.

Community Development Fund

Grants for organisational development or project feasibility between £100 and £10,000.

Learn more and how to apply

Their Grants and Funding page on their website provides details about all the funds listed above. For each fund they have Guidance Notes detailing criteria and eligibility.

To apply to one of these funds they ask organisations to first complete a short Expression of Interest Form. This helps them make sure organisations are applying to the correct fund.

Visit: www.west-lindsey.gov.uk/funding

West Lindsey Community Grants Programme Launched