Boston Town Area Committee (BTAC) Grant Schemes for Round 1 of 2023/24 are now open for applications. Applications will close on Thursday 1st June 2023 and be considered by the committee on 27th July 2023. The aim of the grant
Grants to Support Animal Welfare Charities
Charities registered in the UK and working to offer sanctuary, rehoming and rehabilitation to animals in the UK and/or internationally can apply for grants of up to £35,000. Organisations involved with the conservation of wildlife, the rescue, rehabilitation and (where
West Lindsey Community Grants Programme Launched
West Lindsey District Council have launched their new Community Grants Programme. This new programme includes a range of different funds to support a wide variety of community services and projects.
Natural England Seedcorn Fund for East Midlands
The East Midlands Area Team at Natural England has a budget to spend which enables local organisations or individuals to get a project off the ground to support nature’s recovery. The project could lead to a bigger project with funding
The KFC Foundation
The KFC Foundation loves its community, so we support grassroots organisations in the heart of KFC restaurant communities. Organisations focused on empowering young people in the UK to fulfil their potential and build a positive future by providing spaces that
De-fib Funding available through London Hearts
Recent publicised events has highlighted the fact that Cardiac Arrest does not discriminate and can happen to anyone, of any age, at any time! The statistics are alarming – Cardiac Arrest kills over 60,000 people, of all ages, in the
Funding to Develop and Improve Local Community Partnerships with National Lottery
Voluntary and community organisations, charities, schools, and statutory bodies in England have the opportunity to apply for up to 5 year grants of over £10,000 to the National Lottery Community Fund’s Partnership Fund. This funding aims to help local organisations
Grants of up to £3,000 Available to Charities Supporting Vulnerable & Disadvantaged People
The Leathersellers Company is seeking applications from small charities who are providing vital services for vulnerable people in deprived communities across the UK. The Small Grants Programme will award grants of up to £5,000 to organisations with an annual income
Community grants of up to £5k with Triton Knoll Fund
The closing date for the Triton Knoll Offshore Community Wind Farm Fund is fast approaching on 1st February 2023
Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Investment Fund 2023
Shine Lincolnshire are pleased to announce the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Investment Fund, following agreement with Lincolnshire partners and as part of the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme. This brings together the Community Asset Development Allocation and the