Really Useful Stuff (RUS) Handbook is a great resource that covers a whole range of community development issues including resources, running your group, equality and diversity; to help you face the challenges and issues involved in running your organisations and groups.
Lincolnshire County Council, in partnership with other voluntary organisations, produced this handbook so you can find all the useful information in one place, free of charge.
What may seem like complicated issues have been put into a format providing simple step-by-step guidance and advice.
The seven chapters consist of the following:
- Resources – full of useful addresses of organisations that can provide additional support
- Running your group – gives simple advice and guidance on: starting a new group, group governance, how to manage your group effectively, recruitment of volunteers, and planning for the future.
- Equality and diversity – provides information on what groups need to know about this subject. It helps identify if any changes need to be made to ensure all people know about the group, can find it and can use the services without any disadvantages.
- Employment law – gives an idea about the legal implications of employing a member of staff.
- Policies and procedures – this chapter helps draw up policies and procedures including data protection, and safety; to help groups run more smoothly.
- Working in partnership – gives guidance on how to initiate and make partnership working work. It covers information on different partnership opportunities, networking, mediation and advocacy.
- Jargon Buster – is a compiled list of all the words which may need an explanation
It will be reviewed, so look out for new updates and other useful news online!
Really Useful Stuff Handbook